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(mit Merle Tönnies) Introduction to the Study of British Culture (Narr Studienbücher), Tübingen: Narr, 2007.

Jukebooks. Contemporary British Fiction, Popular Music, and Cultural Value (Anglistische Forschungen 349), Heidelberg: Winter, 2006.

Eighteenth-Century (Sub)Versions of Stage Irishness. Prevalent Anti-Irish Stereotypes and Their Dramatic Functionalisation (Horizonte 24), Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 1998.

Sammelbände, Themenhefte, Editorisches

(mit Sebastian Berg) Moving the Social 64 (2020): '1968' in Britain.

(mit div.) Journal for the Study of British Cultures (2018-).

(mit Jürgen Kramer) Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society 22 (2017): Psychoanalysis in Cultural Studies. Positions, Perspectives and Proposals.

(mit Anette Pankratz) (Un)Making the Monarchy, Heidelberg: Winter, 2017.

(mit Uwe Klawitter) Contemporary Political Poetry in Britain and Ireland, Heidelberg: Winter, 2013.

(mit Anette Pankratz & Ariane de Waal) Birth and Death in British Culture. Liminality, Power, and Performance, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012.

(mit Anette Pankratz) Journal for the Study of British Cultures 18 (2011): Birth & Death.

Hard Times 87 (2010): The Streets.

(mit Jürgen Kramer & Anette Pankratz) Mini & Mini. Ikonen der Popkultur zwischen Dekonstruktion und Rekonstruktion, Bielefeld: transcript, 2009.

(mit Ellen Grünkemeier, Martina Iske, Jürgen Kramer & Anette Pankratz) Das kleine Bond-Buch. From Cultural Studies with Love, Marburg: Schüren, 2007.

(mit Gesa Stedman) Hard Times 79 (2006): The (New) Right in Britain.

Hard Times 77 (2004): Black British Culture.

(mit div.) Hard Times (2004-2010).

(und Mitübersetzer) Martín Espada: Auf der Suche nach La Revolución / Searching for La Revolución, Bochum: agentur machtwort, 2003.

(und Übersetzer) Linton Kwesi Johnson: Die Neue Wortordnung / New Word Hawdah. Gedichte in Deutsch und Englisch, Bochum: agentur machtwort, 2002.

(mit Merle Tönnies) British Political Speeches, from Churchill to Blair (Fremdsprachentexte), Stuttgart: Reclam, 2001.

(mit Gerd Stratmann & Merle Tönnies) Youth Identities. Teens and Twens in British Culture, Heidelberg: Winter, 2000.

(mit Merle Tönnies) Hanif Kureishi: My Beautiful Laundrette (Fremdsprachentexte), Stuttgart: Reclam, 1999.

Wissenschaftliche Aufsätze und Artikel

"Invasion, Spy, and Future-War Stories in Britain before the Great War: From the Manufacturing of Consent to Psychoanalysis", Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht: Neue Folge (2024), 21-35.

"Das Verstehen fremder Kulturen und der Wert von Erasmus. Eine Interview-Studie", Interculture Journal 21 (2022), 65-85.

"On the End(s) of Identity. Pop Music and the Fictional Self", in Norbert Bachleitner & Juliane Werner, Hg., Popular Music and the Poetics of Self in Fiction, Leiden - Boston: Brill, 2022, 31-51.

(mit Simon Klasen) "U-Curve, Squiggly Lines or Nothing at All? Culture Shock and the Erasmus Experience", Frontiers. The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad 33/3 (2021), 1-28.

"The Role of Britain in the Historiography of 1968. A Review of Discourse(s)", Moving the Social 64 (2020): '1968' in Britain, 81-101.

(mit Sebastian Berg) "The Short and the Long 1968 in Britain. An Introduction", Moving the Social 64 (2020): '1968' in Britain, 5-7.

"Stereotype im Erasmus-Kontext. Die (relative) Ordnung des Diskurses", Zeitschrift für Interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht 25/2 (2020), 463-485.

"Things Are Not Enough. Bond, Stiegler, and Technics", International Journal of James Bond Studies 2/1 (2019), http://doi.org/10.24877/jbs.43.

(mit Sebastian Flaake) "'Trinkfreudig, freundlich, hilfsbereit'. Die nationalen Stereotype von 70 Erasmus-Studierenden", Interculture Journal 17 (2018), 29-43.

"Psychoanalytic Reflections on (the Cultural Studies of) CCTV Culture", Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society 22 (2017): Psychoanalysis in Cultural Studies. Positions, Perspectives and Proposals, 280-297.

(mit Jürgen Kramer) "Introduction. Psychoanalysis in Cultural Studies. Positions, Perspectives and Proposals", Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society 22 (2017): Psychoanalysis in Cultural Studies. Positions, Perspectives and Proposals, 237-242.

"British Cultural Studies and the Surveillance Society. Three Takes on CCTV Culture", in Marie Hologa, Christian Lenz, Cyprian Piskurek & Stefan Schlensag, Hg., Cases of Intervention. The Great Variety of British Cultural Studies, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013, 223-238.

(mit Uwe Klawitter) "Introduction. Political Poetry as a Space for Conflict and Negotiation", in U.K. & C.-U.V., Hg., Contemporary Political Poetry in Britain and Ireland, Heidelberg: Winter, 2013, 7-23.

(mit Anette Pankratz) "Introduction. Liminality, Power, and Performance", in A.P., C.-U.V. & Ariane de Waal, Hg., Birth and Death in British Culture. Liminality, Power, and Performance, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012, 1-11.

(mit Ariane de Waal) "Bio-Power in the Societies of Control. Your Essential Guide to Pregnancy and Birth Guides", in Anette Pankratz, C.-U.V. & A.d.W., Hg., Birth and Death in British Culture. Liminality, Power, and Performance, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012, 139-161.

(mit Anette Pankratz) "Introduction. Birth, Death and Culture", Journal for the Study of British Cultures 18 (2011), 99-108.

"Quantum of Smoothness. Bond and Spatial Desire", in Joachim Frenk & Christian Krug, Hg., The Cultures of James Bond, Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2011, 183-193.

"Teaching Reggae (Cultures). Problems, Projects, Perspectives", in Gabriele Linke, Hg., Teaching Cultural Studies. Methods, Matters, Models, Heidelberg: Winter, 2011, 291-314.

"Vom Machen und Mögen des Minis. Die kulturellen Bedeutungen der Autoliebhaberei", in Jürgen Kramer, Anette Pankratz & C.-U.V., Hg., Mini & Mini. Ikonen der Popkultur zwischen Dekonstruktion und Rekonstruktion, Bielefeld: transcript, 2009, 127-141.

(mit Jürgen Kramer & Anette Pankratz) "Einleitung. Minis zwischen Zirkeltraining und Code-Flügel", in J.K., A.P. & C.-U.V., Hg., Mini & Mini. Ikonen der Popkultur zwischen Dekonstruktion und Rekonstruktion, Bielefeld: transcript, 2009, 7-18.

"Constructions of Fascism in British Cultural History. From Fancy-Dressers to Missing Links", Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 57/2 (2009), 177-193.

"Teaching Theories of Space through James Bond. A Project for the Cultural Studies Classroom", Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht 41/1 (2008), 45-56.

"Notes from a Small Island (of No Return). Islands, Insularity, and Englishness in the Work of Singer-Songwriter Billy Bragg", in Jürgen Kamm & Gerold Sedlmayr, Hg., Insular Mentalities. Mental Maps of Britain. Essays in Honour of Bernd Lenz, Passau: Stutz, 2007, 145-155.

"Liebesgrüße aus Babylon. Über James Bonds unheimliche Missionen im Reggae", in Ellen Grünkemeier, Martina Iske, Jürgen Kramer, Anette Pankratz & C.-U.V., Hg., Das kleine Bond-Buch. From Cultural Studies with Love, Marburg: Schüren, 2007, 185-199.

(mit Ellen Grünkemeier, Martina Iske, Jürgen Kramer & Anette Pankratz) "Mein Bond, dein Bond. Ein einleitendes Dossier", in E.G, M.I., J.K., A.P. & C.-U.V., Hg., Das kleine Bond-Buch. From Cultural Studies with Love, Marburg: Schüren, 2007, 17-25.

(mit Torsten Drever), "Babylon ist überall. Kreolsprachen und ihren kulturellen Kontext kennenlernen", Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch 83 (2006), 32-42.

"New Labour, New Poetry? Political Poetry in Blair's Britain", Annals of the University of Craiova. Analele Universitatii din Craiova 6/1 (2005), 229-252.

"Between Agency, Authenticity, and Adorno. How Contemporary British Fiction Constructs and Interrelates with Popular Music", Journal for the Study of British Cultures 12 (2005), 155-173.

"Golden Years or Dark Ages? Cultural Memories of the 1970s in Recent British Fiction", in Christoph Ribbat, Hg., Fiction of the 21st Century, Heidelberg: Winter, 2005, 149-169.

"Reconstructing the Decade of Decay. The New 1970s in Recent British Historical Novels (with Reference to Jonathan Coe's The Rotters' Club, John King's Human Punk, Irvine Welsh's Glue, and Hanif Kureishi's Gabriel's Gift)", Annals of the University of Craiova. Analele Universitatii din Craiova 5/1 (2004), 237-248.

"Sex, Drugs, and on the Dole. Class (Politics) in Contemporary British Pop Music", Journal for the Study of British Cultures 11 (2004), 59-72.

"Actions Speak Louder than Words; or, The Unreliable Narrator in Hanif Kureishi's Buddha of Suburbia", Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht 36 (2003), 103-111.

(mit Merle Tönnies) "Ways of Reading Oxford. A CD-ROM Project for Teaching Myths and Images in 20th-Century British Culture", in Bernhard Klein & Jürgen Kramer, Hg., Kulturwissenschaften in der Anglistik. Eine Standortbestimmung. Dokumentation einer Tagung an der Universität Dortmund, 8.-10. April 2003, www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/britcult/DOFPT% F6nniesViol.htm.

(mit Merle Tönnies) "Nachwort", in M.T. & C.-U.V., Hg., British Political Speeches, from Churchill to Blair (Fremdsprachentexte), Stuttgart: Reclam, 2001, 171-190.

"Br-Asian Overground. Marginal Mainstream, Mixing, and the Role of Memory in British Asian Popular Music", Journal for the Study of British Cultures 8 (2001), 73-90.

"A Crack in the Union Jack? National Identity in British Popular Music", in Gerd Stratmann, Merle Tönnies & C.-U.V., Hg., Youth Identities. Teens and Twens in British Culture, Heidelberg: Winter, 2000, 81-106.

(mit Merle Tönnies) "Nachwort", in M.T. & C.-U.V., Hg., Hanif Kureishi: My Beautiful Laundrette (Fremdsprachentexte), Stuttgart: Reclam, 1999, 133-165.

"Carnivalising Alterity. Fawlty Towers and the Dramatisation of National Stereotypes", in Reinhold Schiffer & Merle Tönnies, Hg., British Literature and Culture. Divergent Views and Attitudes, Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 1999, 113-130.

Besprechungen, Interviews und Vermischtes

(Übersetzer) Linton Kwesi Johnson: "Reggae für May Ayim", in Ika Hügel-Marshall, Nivedita Prasad & Dagmar Schultz, Hg., May Ayim. Radikale Dichterin, sanfte Rebellin, Münster: Unrast, 2021, 107-108.

(mit Uwe Klawitter; Interview mit Andy Croft) "'Dreadfully Old-Fashioned'. On Tradition and Commitment in Political Poetry", in U.K. & C.-U.V., Hg., Contemporary Political Poetry in Britain and Ireland, Heidelberg: Winter, 2013, 255-271.

"Alles eine Frage der Technik?", in Museum Folkwang, Hg., Bond,... James Bond. Filmplakate und Fotografien aus fünfzig Jahren, Göttingen: Edition Folkwang / Steidl, 2012, 106-107.

"Billboards into Discussion Sites. Subvertising in the UK", Hard Times 87 (2010), 17-21.

"How (Not) to Build the Ideal Leeds Street. An Interview with Geographer-Activist Paul Chatterton", Hard Times 87 (2010), 7-11.

"Johnson, Linton Kwesi", in Heinz Ludwig Arnold, Hg., Kindlers Literatur-Lexikon Online, Stuttgart - Weimar: Metzler, 2009.

"Sound Check. Rock im Alter oder Hoffentlich nicht The Last Post", Hard Times 83 (2008), 51-52.

"Sound Check. MOBO: Music of Big Organisations?", Hard Times 82 (2007), 47-49.

"'Free to Blast and Bollock Blairite Britain'? Politische Lyriker und Blairs New Labour", Hard Times 82 (2007), 35-37.

"Tony Benn's Assessment of 10 Years of Blair / New Labour", Hard Times 82 (2007), 22.

(mit Vivian Strotmann) "Vor Blair, nach Blair. Eine Bilanz", Hard Times 82 (2007), 8-12.

"Sound Check. No Truly Exciting Sex Please! We're in the British Charts!", Hard Times 81 (2007), 31-35.

"Sound Check. The Milkman (Still) Cometh. 25 Jahre Singer-Songwriter Billy Bragg", Hard Times 80 (2006), 60-62.

"Die Anfänge des britischen Faschismus", Hard Times 79 (2006), 6-12.

"Searchlight and the Radical Right in Britain. An Email Exchange with Steve Silver, the Editor of Britain's Most Important Antifascist Magazine", Hard Times 79 (2006), 18-19.

"'In Ten Years, If Challenged Properly from below, the BNP Might Easily not Exist At All.' David Renton Answers Ten Questions on the Radical Right in Britain", Hard Times 79 (2006), 31-34.

"Sound Check. Grime Pays! Wenn es um die Produktion subkultureller Stile und Musiken geht, ist auf die britische Metropole immer noch Verlass", Hard Times 79 (2006), 46-50.

"Sound Check. Lieder in Zeiten des Krieges. Die Asian Dub Foundation veröffentlicht ihr politisches Traktat Tank, Benjamin Zephaniah sein weißes Album Naked", Hard Times 78 (2005), 80-83.

"Back to the Future of Multi-Ethnic Britain. What Has Become of the Parekh Report?", Hard Times 77 (2004), 2-7.

"Three Boys on the Right(eous) Track. Benjamin Zephaniah's Latest Hip-Hop Novel Will Hold Young Readers Rapt", Hard Times 77 (2004), 50-53.

"The British Council / Counterpoint, Hg., Representing Islam (Offshoots Captured on Disc), London: The British Council, 2004", Hard Times 77 (2004), 33-34.

"Johnson, Linton Kwesi", in Eberhard Kreutzer & Ansgar Nünning, Hg., Metzler Lexikon englischsprachiger Autorinnen und Autoren, Stuttgart: Metzler, 2002, 299-300.

"Vorwort", in C.-U.V., Hg., Linton Kwesi Johnson: Die Neue Wortordnung / New Word Hawdah. Gedichte in Deutsch und Englisch, Bochum: agentur machtwort, 2002, 5-7.

"Bart Moore-Gilbert, Hanif Kureishi (Contemporary World Writers), Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2001", Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht 35 (2002), 267-268.

"David Christopher, British Culture. An Introduction, London - New York: Routledge, 1999", Journal for the Study of British Cultures 7 (2000), 172-175.

(mit Merle Tönnies) "Young Britain in Perspective. The Views of Rebbecca Ray, shez 360, Chandrasonic, Kathy Lette, and Anne Fine", in Gerd Stratmann, M.T. & C.-U.V., Hg., Youth Identities. Teens and Twens in British Culture, Heidelberg: Winter, 2000, 171-194.

"Kenneth C. Kaleta, Hanif Kureishi. Postcolonial Storyteller, Austin: University of Texas Press, 1998", Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht 32 (1999), 203-204.

"Brian Jenkins & Spyros A. Sofos, Hg., Nation and Identity in Contemporary Europe, London - New York: Routledge, 1996", Journal for the Study of British Cultures 6 (1999), 112-114.

"John Oakland, British Civilization. An Introduction (3. Auflage), London - New York: Routledge, 1995", Journal for the Study of British Cultures 3 (1996), 93-94.