Prof. i.R. Dr. Rüdiger Verfürth
Contact: ruediger.verfuerth(at)rub.de
A Posteriori Error Estimation Techniques for Finite Element Methods.
Oxford University Press, April 2013
(416 pages, 33 b/w illustrations, 2 page colour plate section, ISBN 978-0-19-967942-3) -
A Review of A Posteriori Error Estimation and Adaptive Mesh-Refinement Techniques.
Wiley-Teubner, 1996 (150 pp)
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Journal Articles
(with C. Kreuzer and P. Zanotti) Quasi-Optimal and Pressure Robust Discretizations of the Stokes Equations by Moment- and Divergence-Preserving Operators
CMAM 21, no. 2, pp. 423-443 (2020) (arXiv doi) -
(with P. Zanotti) A Quasi-Optimal Crouzeix-Raviart Discretization of the Stokes Equations
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 57, no. 3, pp. 1082-1099 (2019) (arXiv) -
A Posteriori Error Estimates for Non-Stationary Non-Linear Convection-Diffusion Equations
Calcolo 55, art. 20 (2018) (online) -
(with F. Tantardini and A. Veeser) Robust localization of the best error with finite elements in the reaction-diffusion norm.
Constr. Approx. 42, no. 2, pp. 313-347 (2015) -
(with L. Tobiska) Robust a posteriori error estimates for stabilized finite element methods.
IMA J. Numer. Anal. 35, no. 4, pp. 1652-1671 (2015) -
(with A. Veeser) Poincaré constants of finite element stars.
IMA J. Numer. Anal. 32, no. 1, pp. 30-47 (2012) -
(with C. Bernardi and F. Hecht) A posteriori error analysis of the method of characteristics.
M3AS 21, no. 6, pp. 1355-1376 (2011) -
A posteriori error analysis of space-time finite element discretizations of the time-dependent Stokes equations.
Calcolo 47, no. 3, pp. 149-167 (2010) -
A note on constant-free a posteriori error estimates.
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 47, no. 4, pp. 3180-3194 (2009) -
(with C. Bernardi and F. Hecht) A finite element discretization of the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations with mixed boundary conditions.
RAIRO M2AN 43, pp. 1185-1201 (2009) -
(with A. Veeser) Explicit upper bounds for dual norms of residuals.
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 47, no. 3, pp. 2387-2405 (2009) -
Robust a posteriori error estimates for non-stationary convection-diffusion equations.
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., Vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 1783-1802 (2005) -
Robust a posteriori error estimates for stationary convection-diffusion equations.
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., Vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 1766-1782 (2005) -
(with M. Lonsing) A posteriori error estimators for mixed finite element methods in linear
Numer. Math. 97, 757-778 (2004) -
(with C. Bernardi) A posteriori error analysis of the fully discretized time-dependent
Stokes equations.
RAIRO M2AN 38, 437-455 (2004) -
(with M. Lonsing) On the stability of BDMS and PEERS elements.
Numer. Math. 99, 131-140 (2004) -
(with A. Bergam and Z. Mghazli) Estimation a posteriori d'un schéma de volumes finis pour un problème non linéaire.
Numer. Math. 95, 599 - 624 (2003) -
A posteriori error estimates for finite element discretizations of the heat equation.
Calcolo 40, 195 - 212 (2003) -
(with M. Afif, A. Bergam, Z. Mghazli) A posteriori estimators for the finite volume
discretization of an elliptic problem.
Numer. Alg. 34, 127-136 (2003) -
A posteriori error estimation techniques for non-linear elliptic and parabolic pdes.
Revue Européenne pour les Eléments Finis 9, 377-401 (2000) -
(with A. Papastavrou) Adaptive finite element methods for
convection-diffusion problems. A computational
Numer. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engrg. 189, 449-462 (2000) -
(with C. Bernardi) Adaptive finite element methods for elliptic
equations with non-smooth coefficients.
Numer. Math. 85, 579 - 608 (2000) -
(with G. Kunert) Edge residuals dominate a posteriori error
estimates for linear finite element methods on anisotropic triangular
and tetrahedral meshes.
Numer. Math. 86, 283 - 303 (2000) -
Error estimates for some quasi-interpolation operators.
RAIRO M2AN 33, 695 - 713 (1999) -
A note on polynomial approximation in Sobolev spaces.
RAIRO M2AN 33, 715 - 719 (1999) -
(with C. Carstensen) Edge residuals dominate a posteriori error estimates
for low order finite element methods.
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 36, 1571 - 1587 (1999) -
A review of a posteriori error estimation techniques for elasticity problems.
Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engrg. 176, 419-440 (1999) -
Robust a posteriori error estimators for singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion
Numer. Math. 78, 479 - 493 (1998) -
A posteriori error estimates for non-linear
problems. Lr(0,T;W1,r)-error estimates for
finite element discretizations of parabolic equations.
Numer. Meth. for PDE 14, 487 - 518 (1998) -
A posteriori error estimates for non-linear
problems. Lr(0,T;Lr)-error
estimates for finite element discretizations of parabolic equations.
Math. Comput. 67 (224), 1335 - 1360 (1998) -
A posteriori error estimators for convection-diffusion equations.
Numer. Math. 80, 641 - 663 (1998) -
A posteriori error estimates for non-linear problems. Lr-error
estimates for finite element discretizations of elliptic equations.
RAIRO M2AN 32, 817 - 842 (1998) -
(with L. Tobiska) Analysis of a streamline diffusion finite element
method for the Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations.
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 33, 107 - 127 (1996) -
(with D. Braess) A posteriori error estimators for the Raviart-Thomas
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 33, 2431 - 2444 (1996) -
The stability of finite element methods.
Numer. Meth. for PDE 11, 93 - 105 (1995) -
A Posteriori Error Estimation and Adaptive Mesh-Refinement Techniques.
J. Comput. Appl. Math. 50, 67 - 83 (1994) -
A Posteriori Error Estimates for Non-Linear Problems. Finite Element
Discretizations of Elliptic Equations.
Math. Comput. 62 (206), 445 - 475 (1994) -
A posteriori error estimators for the Stokes equations II. Non-conforming
Numer. Math. 60, 235 - 249 (1991) -
Finite element approximation of incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
with slip boundary condition II.
Numer. Math. 59, 615 - 636 (1991) -
(with D. Braess) Multi-grid methods for non-conforming finite element
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 27, 979 - 986 (1990) -
A posteriori error estimators for the Stokes equations.
Numer. Math. 55, 309 - 325 (1989) -
Multi-level algorithms for mixed problems II. Treatment of the mini-element.
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 25, 285 - 293 (1988) -
Finite element approximation of incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
with slip boundary condition.
Numer. Math. 50, 697 - 721 (1987) - Mixed finite element approximation of the vector potential.
Numer. Math. 50, 685 - 695 (1987) -
Finite element approximation of steady Navier-Stokes equations with
mixed boundary conditions.
RAIRO Anal. Numér. 19, 461 - 475 (1985) -
The contraction number of a multi-grid method with mesh ratio 2 for
solving Poisson's equation.
Linear Algebra Appl. 60, 113 - 128 (1984) -
Error estimates for a mixed finite element approximation of the Stokes
RAIRO Anal. Numér. 18, 175 - 182 (1984) -
A combined conjugate gradient - multi-grid algorithm for the numerical
solution of the Stokes problem.
IMA J. Numer. Anal. 4, 441 - 455 (1984) - A multi-level algorithm for mixed problems.
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 21, 264 - 271 (1984) -
On the number of local best approximations by exponential sums.
J. Approximation Th. 34, 306-323 (1982)
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Conference Proceedings
(with C. Bernardi and B. Métivet) Analyse numérique d'indicateurs d'erreur.
In: Maillage et Adaptation (P. L. Georges; ed), Hèrmes, Paris, 2002 -
(with A. Papastavrou) A computational comparison of a posteriori error estimators for convection-diffusion problems.
In: Computational Mechanics. New Trends and Applications (E. Oñate, S. R. Idelsohn, E. N. Dvorkin; eds.), CIMNE, Barcelona, 1998 -
A review of a posteriori error estimation techniques for elasticity problems.
In: On new Advances in Adaptive Computational Methods in Mechanics (P. Ladevèze, J. T. Oden; eds.), pp. 257-274, Elsevier 1998 -
Non-overlapping domain decomposition methods.
In: Computational Science for the 21st Century (J. Periaux; ed.), Wiley, 1997 -
The equivalence of a posteriori error estimators.
In: Proceedings of the 10th GAMM Seminar Kiel (W. Hackbusch; ed.), Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1995 - A Posteriori Error Estimates for Non-Linear Problems.
In: Numerical Methods for the Navier-Stokes Equations (F.-K. Hebeker, R. Rannacher, G. Wittum; eds.), pp. 288-297, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics Vol. 47, Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1994 -
A posteriori error estimators and adaptive mesh-refinement techniques for the Navier-Stokes equations.
In: Incompressible CFD - Trends and Advances (M. D. Gunzburger, R. A. Nicolaides; eds.), pp. 447-477, Cambridge University Press, 1993 -
A posteriori error estimators and adaptive mesh-refinement for a mixed finite element discretization of the Navier-Stokes equations.
In: Numerical Treatment of the Navier-Stokes Equations, Proc. of the 5th GAMM-Seminar, Kiel, Jan. 1989 (W. Hackbusch, R. Rannacher; eds.), pp. 145-152, Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1990 -
Mixed finite element approximation of a fluid flow problem.
In: Mathematics of Finite Elements and Applications V (J. R. Whiteman; ed.), pp. 335-342, Academic Press, London, 1985 -
Numerical solution of mixed finite element problems.
In: Efficient Solution of Elliptic Systems (W. Hackbusch; ed.), pp. 132-144, Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1984 -
A preconditioned conjugate residual algorithm for the Stokes problem.
In: Advances in Multi-Grid Methods (D. Braess, W. Hackbusch, U. Trottenberg; eds.), pp. 112-118, Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1984 -
The contraction number of a multi-grid method.
ZAMM 63, T386-T387 (1983)
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(with F. Tantardini) Robust a posteriori error estimators with error dominated oscillation for the reaction-diffusion equation.
arXiv -
(with F. Tantardini) Quasi-monotonicity and robust localization with continuous piecewise polynomials.
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(with F. Tantardini and A. Veeser) H-1approximation with piecewise polynomials.
Report, Universität Bochum, October 2016 -
(with F. Tantardini and A. Veeser) Tree approximation in the H-1-norm with piecewise polynomials.
Report, Universität Bochum, October 2016 -
A posteriori error estimates for non-linear parabolic equations.
Universität Bochum, December 2004
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A posteriori error estimates for linear parabolic equations.
Universität Bochum, October 2004
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Non-overlapping domain decomposition methods interpreted as multiplicative subspace correction algorithms.
Universität Bochum, October 2004
(download) -
On the constants in some inverse inequalities for finite element functions.
Universität Bochum, May 1999
(download) -
A posteriori error estimates for non-linear problems. Finite element discretizations of parabolic equations.
Universität Bochum, March 1995 -
Fehlerschätzer für Finite-Element-Diskretisierungen in der linearen Elastizitätstheorie.
Universität Bochum, April 1994 -
On the stability of Petrov-Galerkin formulations of the Stokes equations.
Universität Zürich, June 1990 -
On the preconditioning of non-conforming solenoidal finite element approximations of the Stokes equation.
Univeristät Zürich, August 1989 -
Iterative methods for the numerical solution of mixed finite element approximations of the Stokes problem.
Report Nr. 379, INRIA, 1985
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Lecture Notes
Einführung in die Numerische Mathematik.
Universität Bochum, February 2018 (137 pages)
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Numerik I (Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen und Differenzenverfahren für partielle Differentialgleichungen).
Universität Bochum, August 2018 (145 pages)
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Numerik II (Finite Elemente).
Universität Bochum, June 2019 (147 pages)
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Finite Element Methoden für Navier-Stokes Gleichungen.
Universität Bochum, September 2019 (176 pages)
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Universität Bochum, February 2020 (173 pages)
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Universität Bochum, September 2020 (137 pages)
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Adaptive Finite Element Methods.
Universität Bochum, February 2018 (129 pages)
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Computational Fluid Dynamics.
Universität Bochum, February 2018 (121 pages)
(download) - Numerical Methods and Stochastics. Part I: Numerics
Universität Bochum, March 2011 (107 pages)
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Optimierung für Elektro- und Informationstechniker.
Universität Bochum, March 2017 (100 pages)
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Vertiefung Numerische Mathematik für den Masterstudiengang UTRM.
Universität Bochum, April 2010 (117 pages)
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Numerische Mathematik für Maschinenbauer und Umwelttechniker.
Universität Bochum, September 2006 (108 pages)
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Mathematik für Maschinenbauer, Bauingenieure und Umwelttechniker.
Universität Bochum, February 2008 (543 pages)
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Universität Bochum, August 2006 (479 pages)
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A Review of A Posteriori Error Estimation and Adaptive Mesh-Refinement Techniques.
Universität Zürich, May 1993 (Notes of a course given at the TU Magdeburg; 102 pages)
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Computational Fluid Dynamics.
Lecture Series, Bochum, Summer term 2019
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Adaptive Finite Element Methods.
Lecture Series, Bochum, winter term 2018/19
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Adaptive finite element methods for non-stationary convection-diffusion problems.
Lecture, Tübingen, July 2017
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Robust a posteriori error estimates for stabilized finite element discretizations of non-stationary convection-diffusion problems.
Lecture, Oberwolfach, January 2017
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Robust a posteriori error estimates for stabilized FEM.
Lecture, Milan, February 2014
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A posteriori error estimates for the biharmonic equation.
Lecture, Milan, February 2013
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Robust a posteriori error estimates for non-stationary convection-diffusion problems.
Lecture, Magdeburg, June 2013
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Beyond luck. Mathematics and games.
Lecture, Milan, November 2012
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A posteriori error analysis of space-time finite element discretizations of the time-dependent Stokes equations.
Lecture, Milan, February 2011
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Numerical Methods and Stochastics. Part I: Numerical Methods.
Lecture Series, Bochum, Summer term 2011
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Computational Fluid Dynamics.
PhD course, Milan, March 2010
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Vertiefung Numerische Mathematik für den Masterstudiengang UTRM.
Lecture Series, Bochum, Summer term 2010
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Methematische Knobeleien. Eine Einführung in die mathematische Dankweise.
Lecture, Bochum, Girls Day April 2010
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Constant-free a posteriori error estimates.
Lecture, Duisburg, May 2010
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Mathematik und Spiel. Ohne Glück zum Sieg.
Lecture, Bochum, October 2009
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A posteriori error analysis of the method of characteristics.
Lecture, Kirchzarten, September 2009
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Explicit upper bounds for dual norms of residuals.
Lecture, Paris, October 2008
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A review of robust a posteriori error estimates.
Lecture, Milan, September 2007
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