Dr. Laure Buhry
Ruhr-University BochumMercator Research Group "Structure of Memory"
Faculty of Psychology
Universitaetsstr. 150
44801 Bochum
Room: GA 04/46
Phone: +49-234- 32 24682
Fax: +49-234- 32 14463
Email: laure.buhry@rub.de
Office Hours: by appointment
I obtained two Master degrees, one in Fundamental Mathematics (pluri-complex analysis, and algebraic and differential geometry), and one in Cognitive Sciences. I did my PhD work in Computational Neurosciences at the IMS laboratory (Integration, from Materials to Systems), Bordeaux 1 University, France. In addition, I was a member of the European FACETS project. My research work focused on the parameter estimation of complex model neurons, specifically the Hodgkin-Huxley model, making use of optimization methods. My work was applied in the automated tuning of analog neuro-mimetic integrated circuits designed by our group (AS2N).
As a postdoc in the Mercator Research Group "Structure of Memory", my research will focus on modeling within the project "Theory of the interplay between sensory cortices and hippocampus in memory formation and retrieval".
- Chen H., Sa�ghi S., Buhry L. and Renaud S. (2010)
Real-time Simulation of Biologically-realistic Stochastic Neurons in VLSI.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 21 :1511�1517. - Buhry L., Sa�ghi S., Giremus A., Grivel E., Renaud S. (2009)
Automated Tuning of Analog Neuromimetic Integrated Circuits.
Proceedings of the Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BIOCAS), China - Buhry L., Giremus A., Grivel E., Sa�ghi S., Renaud S. (2009)
New variants of the Differential Evolution algorithm: application for neuroscientists/
Proceedings of the European Signal Processing conference (EUSIPCO), UK - Buhry L., Sa�ghi S., Ben Salem W., Sylvie Renaud A. (2009)
Adjusting Neuron Models in Neuromimetic ICs using the Differential Evolution Algorithm/
Proceedings of the 4th IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), Turkey - Buhry L., Sa�ghi S., Giremus A., Grivel E., Renaud S. (2008)
Parameter estimation of the Hodgkin-Huxley model using metaheuristics: application to neuromimetic analog integrated circuits.
Proceedings of the Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BIOCAS), USA - Buhry L., Saighi S., Giremus A., Grivel E., Renaud S. (2008)
Estimation des param�tres du mod�le d'Hodgkin-Huxley par des m�taheuristiques.
Deuxi�me conf�rence fran�aise de Neurosciences Computationnelles (Neurocomp08), France - Sa�ghi S., Buhry L., Bornat Y., N'Kaoua G., Tomas J., Renaud S. (2008)
Adjusting the Neurons Models in Neuromimetic ICs using the Voltage-Clamp Technique.
Proceeding of the InternationaI Symposium on Circuits And Systems (ISCAS08), USA - Buhry L., Sa�ghi S. (2008)
R�glage de param�tres neuronaux par des techniques de �voltage-clamp� sur des ICs neuromim�tiques.
Proceedings of JNRDM 2008, France - Daouzli A., Sa�ghi S., Buhry L., Bornat Y., Renaud S. (2008)
Weights Convergence and Spikes Correlation in an Adaptive Neural Network Implemented on VLSI.
Proc.s of the Int. Conf. on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS), France